Well I ain’t dead, just not watching any other anime. So I have nothing to write about other than the usual couple ones that I am watching nowadays.

Spoilers ahead

So Anos is just too Op and that is not something new but he is so strong that the Royalist can’t even do him any harm. So it is the sword fight competition and Anos is in the finals.

The main focus of this episode was perhaps Lays mother, she is quite ill and Anos is trying to help her. Lay has been tricked by the Royals and kind of held hostage and want Lay to end Anos(not happening), but Anos knows all sorts of tricks the Royals would pull so he is not fazed by it.

I thing the main talking point of the Episode was when the Teacher tries too steal Anos’s sword which he gave his fan club to hold on too. The teacher harms the fan club aswell as Anos’s mother. This is where things get really dark, Anos gets super Angry and kills the teacher. The way it was shown was a bit brutal. The teacher is a royal and kinda proud of that thing, so Anos turns her into an Hybrid which she has a real deep hatred for. That is someway to make someone suffer.

Next episode is the fight between Anos and Lay. That one is something I am looking forward to.

In general a good episode, gave Anos a bit more of character development. We didn’t see much about Misha and Sasha in this one but that is fine I guess.

Also the Anos fan club singing during the fight was the most cringe thing I had watched in a while.

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